CP1 ("Regular") Physics 1

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Physics 1 is a course designed for high school students in grades 11 & 12. Units studied include laboratory & mathematics, motion & forces, work, energy & momentum, electricity & magnetism, waves, heat, and modern (atomic, particle & nuclear) physics. The course requires that students be able to describe and solve problems using algebra. The course also requires basic vector math, which is taught at the beginning of the course. The course is supported by an interactive laboratory environment where students gain hands-on experience with the concepts being studied. The content of the course exceeds the requirements of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for high school physics.


Online Course Sites


The Lynn Public Schools uses Schoology as its Learning Management System (LMS). All of the required course content except for tests will be available in Schoology.


In 2006 (long Before Schoology existed), I setup my own MOODLE site, which I have used ever since. (Moodle is another LMS that has been around since the 1990s.) Because MOODLE has more options for giving tests, including test banks and customizeable questions, you will be taking tests for this course on my MOODLE site. I have created an account for you (using your LPS username). You will need to make sure that you can log into MOODLE (your starter password is your student ID) as well as Schoology.

Text & Reference

These are books and other useful reference materials for Physcis 1.

  • Physics 1 Class Notes by Mr. Bigler (your class notes for the entire year; 668 pages)
    • downloadable PDF file (15.4 MB; this is about the size of 5 pictures on your phone)
    • paperback book self-published using Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. List price is $14.99 plus tax & shipping. However, I do a bulk order at the beginning of the year so my students can get copies at cost (about $10), so if you are my student, talk to me before you order from Amazon.
  • Physics Reference Tables (your formula & reference sheet for the entire year)



URI of this page: https://mrbigler.com/Physics-1/index.shtml
Last updated: 9 Sep 2020 by Mr. Bigler
Date of access (today's date): 23 Feb 2025
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