Anonymous Course Evaluation Survey



This survey is for you to evaluate Mr. Bigler with respect to each of the categories listed. The survey is anonymous—no identifying information will be included with your response. However, multiple surveys from the same IP address will be discarded.

Which class are you in?:     * [Required]

The Survey

Please rate Mr. Bigler in each of the following areas.

Move the slider to indicate your response to each question. All the way to the left means "unacceptable", and all the way to the right means "outstanding". In the middle means "average" (compared with other teachers at LEHS).

← worst        best → 
presentation/teaching of content:
learning objectives are clear:
I am able to achieve the learning objectives:
explanations are clear:
subject is well organized:
enough homework to prepare for tests:
I am able to do most of the homework:
homework is relevant to each topic:
amount of content covered on each test:
my test grades are about what I expect:
test are based on the classwork:
opportunities to improve my grade:
grading criteria are clear & fair:
homework & tests graded in a timely fashion:
pace of course:  
classroom management:
Mr. Bigler's availability:
Mr. Bigler's approachability:
Mr. Bigler's flexibility:
Mr. Bigler's fairness:
Mr. Bigler's enthusiasm:
Mr. Bigler contributes to my learning:
Mr. Bigler cares about how I'm doing:
← worst        best → 

What should Mr. Bigler keep doing the same way?

What should Mr. Bigler do differently?

What advice would you give to future students who have Mr. Bigler?

What else do you think Mr. Bigler should know?




URI of this page:
Last updated: 6 Sep 2020 by Mr. Bigler
Date of access (today's date): 22 Feb 2025
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