The purpose of this survey is for me to understand your expectations for this class.
First name: * Last name: * Email: * Please double-check that you have typed your email address correctly!
Which class are you in?: A block Honors Physics 1 B block Honors Physics 2 D block CP1 (Regular) Physics 1 E block Honors Physics 1 G block Honors Physics 1 other or N/A * [Required]
Please fill in your information, take the survey, and click the "Submit" button when you are finished. Note that almost all of these questions are marked with a blue asterisk (*), which means they are required. If you don't answer one of these, you will get an error when you try to submit the form.
Note that javascript must be enabled in your browser in order to take this survey.
How frequently do you expect to participate actively in class discussions?
How often do you expect to volunteer for demonstrations or participate in optional hands-on activities?
Physics requires a very solid understanding of algebra 1 concepts, some understanding of geometry, and a few algebra 2 concepts.
How confident are you about your ability to successfully do the math for this class?
Homework for this class typically includes:
(For comparison, tests are 100 points.)
A typical problem set includes 2-3 "Must Do" problems, 3-8 "Should Do" problems, and 1 "Aspire to Do" problem. Each problem is a word (story) problem that typically takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
The "Must Do" problems must be fully complete and correct to receive credit. (Otherwise they are scored as a zero.) The "Should Do" problems count for additional/extra credit. The "Aspire to Do" problems do not count; they are challenging problems that you can do for bragging rights, though they're recommended for students who expect to study physics or engineering in college. Note, however, that both "Must Do" and "Should Do" problems are fair game for test questions.
There is no penalty for late homework; due dates are provided as recommendations so you don't fall behind. However, completing at least the "Must Do" problems for each unit before the test is essential for success on the test.
When do you predict that you will usually complete the "Must Do" homework problems?
Tests in this class are all free-response problems that are similar to homework problems. Most people find the tests to be hard, but fair.
Retakes are allowed on tests for up to 90% (you keep the better grade). However, before the retake, you will need to complete the "Must Do" problems for the unit (if you haven't already done so) and come for a "night back" (after school) to ensure that you are ready for the retake. (These are required because students who don't do them end up getting the same grade on the retake.)
Note that if there were no extenuating circumstances and you do not take a test within a week of when it was given, you will receive a (temporary) zero for the first attempt and will be given the retake for a maximum grade of 90%.
How often do you anticipate needing extra help and a retake after a test?
Physics requires occasional writing assigmnets, usually in the form of lab reports. These are usually 2-3 pages (handwritten or typed and may be turned in on paper or electronically). A significant amount of help is available because they count as a test grade, and doing them is necessary to pass the course. Unlike homework, there is a grade penalty if lab reports are turned in late.
How often do you anticipate that you will do lab reports and other writing assignments?
What grades do you expect to earn in this class? A (90 or better) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (below 60) *
What do you consider to be your minimum acceptable grade in this class? A (90 or better) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) any grade as long as I tried my best I don't care what grade I get. *
What do your caretakres (parents/guardians/etc.) consider to be your minimum acceptable grade in this class? A (90 or better) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) Any grade as long as I tried my best. They don't care what grade I get.
Being a high school students is often stressful, and sometimes "life gets in the way". Nobody can do everything all the time.
How would you describe your typical stress level?
How much do you think other aspects of your life will make it challenging for you to be successful in this class?
If you're struggling, or even beginning to struggle in this class, getting help sooner rather than later is important. I do my best to make this process as non-threatening and non-judgmental as possible. However, I realize that it can still be hard to ask for help.
If you need help with something in this class, how likely are you to ask for it?
Is there any information relevant to your ability to be successful in this class that you would like to share with me?
The fields that have a blue asterisk (*) are required. If you leave any of these blank, you will get an error message when you try to submit the page.
If you get an error message, find and fill in the missing information, and resubmit.
Note that using the "back" button will not work in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, because these browsers reset the form when you go back.
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