The LEHS Science Team is for students who are interested in science and enjoy opportunities to compete against students from other schools. The Science Team is a member of the North Shore Science League, which holds monthly science competitions at area high schools. Each competition consists of three separate events on science-related topics, including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, Earth science, astronomy, current events, and "instant invention". Some events involve building a device or performing an experiment, while others involve answering questions on a science-related topic. New MembersThe team is open to any student who is interested in science, and new members are welcome any time during the school year. New members should fill out the Member Information Form and have their parents/guardians sign the Transportation Permission Slip, which gives permission to travel to and from the competitions. Additionally, students who want to be use power tools under Mr. Bigler's supervision should have their parents/guardians sign the Power Tools Permission Slip. Weekly MeetingsThe team meets in room 304 on Tuesdays at 2:45pm. Meetings are used for working on events for the upcoming meet, planning social events, or just talking about anything science related. Preparing for events might include researching and assigning topics for pencil-and-paper events, and/or building entries for pre-build events. CompetitionsCompetitions are held at schools around the North Shore on the second Tuesday of each month, from October through May. On competition days, we meet in room 304 right after school to gather materials and take attendance. We go down to meet the bus by the Field House some time between 2:45 and 3:15, depending on where we are going and how long it takes to get there. Camping TripThe Science Team holds a camping trip at the end of each school year, probably in late May or early June (exact date to be determined). In past years, we have stayed in the cabins at Camp Nihan, in Saugus, on the edge of Breakheart Reservation. Separate information and permission slips will be distributed in May. PartiesThe Science Team typically has parties in December and May to celebrate everything geeky and sciencey. Keeping Informed
Photo BlogThe Science Team has a photo blog. AdvisorsThe Science Team's advisor is Mr. Bigler (room 304), with help from Ms. Herrera and Mr. Hellmer. Standings & Next CompetitionThe Bulldogs are currently in 12th place out of 18 teams. CalendarHere is the Science Team's Google Calendar for this month. You can subscribe to it by clicking on the "+" near the bottom right. |
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