These are an assortment of things that I have found, developed and/or used,
that other teachers may find useful.
Materials I Have Created
- Developing
Inquiry-Based Experiments in High School Chemistry: a
manual for turning "cookbook" experiments into inquiry-based
experiments. The manual is based on chemistry experiments, but the
approach would also work for other disciplines.
- Excel Periodic
Table: a version of the periodic table created in Microsoft
Excel, to make it easy to change/edit which information is displayed.
- Grade Scaling
Systems: a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that gives several
options for scaling grades, given a set of raw scores and a desired
class average. The results of each system are displayed in tables and
pie charts.
- Classroom
Signs: a PDF of a Microsoft PowerPoint document containing
the random, sometimes weird, sometimes motivational signs that I have
posted in my classroom.
- Feedback Form & Feedback Data Analysis
spreadsheet: this is the form I use for solicitng feedback
from my students and the Excel spreadsheet I use to plot the data. The
stacked bar graphs look like the following data from my classes (first semester
- Excel grade
sheet: this is a WinZip file containing a Microsoft Excel
grade book spreadsheet I developed several years ago. (I've since had
to use other commercial grading software, but I think the Excel
spreadsheet did a better job of calculating grades flexibly and
recommending comments based on some simple formulas.) Warning: if
you're not comfortable working with Excel formulas, you may need some
help implementing it.
- Test Strategies and
other advice that I give my students.
Best Practices
Materials From Others